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Welcome to Microservices: The Tiny Titans of infinite Tech! Here the tiniest pieces make the mightiest impact, and every service is a superhero with its own ego and might!


Design Patterns

  • Choreography – each local transaction publishes domain events that trigger local transactions in other services.  
  • Orchestration – an orchestrator (object) tells the participants what local transactions to execute. 
  1. Assign each request a unique id 
  2. pass the same id to all the services involved in fulfilling the request 
  3. include this id in all log messages, warn, info or error
  4. create a centralized exception and logging service (e.g. logstash or FluentD) that aggregates all logs in a central place   
  1. Status of connections to DB or Queues or any frequently used external component.
  2. Status of the host machine like disk space or RAM usage. 
  3. A simple application related read-only idempotent operation/logic like fetching a test User or transaction.  

Nitin Khanchandani


Nitin Khanchandani

Nitin is Solution Architect at TechFrolic where he leads architecting complex business solutions. He has designed & lead the development of cloud native microservices architecture based applications. He ensures best practices are followed by the team while he advocates for process improvements across all projects. He has innate passion for coding and ensures that he is always coding in some or other project. You will always find him surrounded by someone where he helps in resolving some complex issue. He can be reached at [email protected]